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Showing posts from July, 2020

Everything You Want To Know About EMF Radiation And Its Exposure To The Human Body

Today, the world relies heavily on interconnected online communication, giving everyone the ease of access to information at fingertips. Almost everyone has a cell phone nowadays. Electric appliances used in households and commercial spaces emit harmful EMF radiation. Mobile phones, laptops, and computers are another source of EMF radiation. According to WHO, of all the electric appliances, mobile phones are the ones to contribute largely to a public health issue for the future generation. Here is why cell phones are harmful to your health: Each passing day, the number of cell phone users is growing. Cell phones are believed to be a potential cause of cancer. Below we discuss a few potential risks of EMF exposure. Mobile phones are designed to emit radiofrequency energy that is a form of non-ionizing radiation from the antenna. Your body tissues when coming in contact with the antennas, it absorbs the energy instantly. How EMF has an impact on your body? Thousands of studies have been ...

How the EMF Neutralizing Devices Work?

Modern technology has its own catch. On the one hand, it provides you with all the facilities, on the other hand, it has also got some negative aspects that might put you in danger. Even after knowing that, people are getting more and more into these technologies, these have become an indispensable part of our daily life. Devices like mobile phones, laptops etc, too many high tech machineries have made our life a lot easier to handle. The extensive use of these highly advanced devices and electrical goods has empowered the human race and made him independent and confidant. But at the cost of what? Health? Well, this is something we would never encourage. Rather human race knows the importance of maintaining their health to live an extended life. And this is why when we came to know about the fact that extensive usage of those electrical devices can causes various types of health problems, they started to research to find out a proper solution for topping the electromagnetic wave emitte...